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Working Toward a Brighter Future

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Who We Are

Meet our founder, Miguel Dwin, an East Bay native and a long-time community activist and educator focusing on prison reform. Miguel has volunteered at San Quentin for twelve years in a prison ministry where he facilitated pre-release life skills workshops for men. The workshops emphasis was on building a man’s accountability, integrity, and responsibility for self-stabilization.


Our mission is to create a safe and stable transitional home environment that balances treatment modalities, case management, and personal accountability as the cornerstone of successful community reintegration while simultaneously reducing recidivism rates.

Image by RUT MIIT


We refer residents to educational admission services, walking them
through the admission process, and allowing them the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma, GED, post-secondary degree, or acquire new skills through job training.

Image by Kevin Pastor

Substance Abuse

Direct referrals to therapeutic substance use disorder counseling services per their service level needs. The resident treatment will consist of (assessed, referred, and admitted respectively)
following the “ client-centered” approach advancing the client’s treatment as their conditions

Image by Ben White


A Place to Call Home will refer residents to job training programs that will improve their
preparation, for employment gaps by building their skills in various career industries to expand employment opportunities.

Image by Cytonn Photography

Public Benefits

Refers residents to obtain basic public benefit services such as healthcare, driver’s licenses, social security card, cash payment benefits, etc.

Image by Osarugue Igbinoba

Family Reunification

Direct referrals to pro-social services, family counseling, anger management, and
Individual empowerment counseling.

we specialize in making connections that last

The art of connection.

We strive to connect justice-impacted individuals, returning to their community with referral agencies that provide comprehensive reentry services to meet their identified needs.

Image by Cytonn Photography
Group of Friends

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